Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Finally, Christmas is Over

They finally came and at least undecorated the RM tree - which has been up since two weeks before Thanksgiving! Whew, glad that's over. Jill says the company that handles the tree for the Building told her that they get pretty slow after the holidays so they lay people off so they don't have enough staff to do the work they have to do...yeah, that makes sense to me too. Myself, I don't think they'd get paid until the work got done, hmmm? Our customers don't pay us until after they have eaten/drunk the product/s they've purchased, so how about it, eh? But I do kind of like how the naked tree looks now, just put a little "snow" on it and it would fit right in! At least it's more seasonal than it was with all the decorations on it...

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