Saturday, April 18, 2009

New BT Employees

We've got three new Brooks Tavern employees roaming the kitchen and dining room. Taylor, pictured here, is the youngest and newest. At 14, his hours are limited to day time, so you'll have to meet him at lunch after school is out this summer. This is his first job, and today he got his first pay check! Remember when, eh?

In addition, we have the aforementioned Matt as day time garde manger. He is doing fine, and slowly Danae is relinquishing her position as salad queen and advancing over to the hot line. The Kevins are training her in the fine art of grilling burgers, fish and Tidewaters. Her prep work is also changing - from lettuce and dressings, to potatoes and ground beef. Not to worry though, she is still making most of the desserts!

At night we have a new fellow on the salads as well. Aaron started on Tuesday and so far, so good. He's got some experience, which is very helpful, and seems to be pleased to be among us. We'll see how it goes from here.

It's always stressful to have new staff members - until they are thoroughly indoctrinated, er, I mean trained, they require constant attention. The senior staff does most of the training and overseeing, but at the end of the day, Kevin and I have the ultimate responsibility to insure that they are doing their jobs the BT way. Some might call it nitpicking, but we call it fine-tuning and attention to detail. Some make it, some don't. Usually the ones that don't make it don't take too long to come to that conclusion. Sometimes we don't take too long to come to that conclusion. In either case, if it doesn't work out, you've wasted a lot of energy and man hours training someone for nothing, so you really want to screen for potential winners at the initial interview. This can be difficult though; you don't always see the real person until you've had them on site for a few days. So, as I said, we'll see. And hope for success for them all.

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