Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hurrah for Saturdays

It seems as though I come to work on Tuesday planning what I am going to do on the upcoming weekend...does everyone do this on the first day of their work week? It seems wrong somehow. But now it's "Friday" for us and we are looking forward to our two days off. It's kind of nice that Saturday is generally our busiest day of the week, makes it go a little faster. Unlike Tuesday, which is "Monday", and can be a little slow and consequently a little looonnngggg.

The "College" starts back up next week. (Putting "College" in quotation marks is the same as calling the Kent County News "the Paper", and Andy's, "The Bar". It lets you know it is the only one worth referring to around here, some what. Everyone knows what you mean...when you say "Did you see the Paper?", they know you don't mean the Washington Post.) Anyway, it will be interesting to see if we get a little extra business from that large increase in our local population. I know that O'Connor's and "the Bar" (see previous) certainly do. During the past few days of freshmen arriving on campus we've had a few parents come in, a few with kid in tow. If we can snag them now, we could have them as customers for four years...

I read on the Baltimore Sun's website that one of our own has opened a hip tavern in Hamilton. Tom(my) Creegan grew up in Chestertown and both he and his brother, Frank, worked with us at the Ironstone. He is a partner at a great bar in B'mo - Brewer's Art - and now he's opened a place of his own, conveniently located in his own neighborhood. We visited him once at the BA and got a grand tour, including the basement brewery, which is quite impressive. First reports of his Hamilton Tavern look very good and we wish him well. And, if I am not mistaken, their Dad works at "the College".

I did find it humorous that the guy who writes the Midnight Sun blog - also a Kent County native - linked Chestertown with a cow. A world cow, no less, but still, a cow. The author, Sam(my) Sessa is a Galenaite who seems to have found a real niche with his SunBlog, but I would say that Galena is more "cow" than Chestertown. (and Kennedyville - my hometown - is certainly more cow than either of them.) Chestertown is more...hmmm...a goose? or maybe a dog. But I just don't see a cow...unless... oh I get it, Tommy is from a cow town!! But I guess it's a pretty cool cowtown, since it's got the world all over it...

Sheesh, d'ya think it's time for me to have a weekend?

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