Saturday, February 11, 2012

Two "Finally"s

Finally we got a little snow.  Not much - although probably enough to kill our lunch business today, even though there is nary a flake on the road or even on the sidewalks - but it is stuck to all the tree branches, making everything quite pretty.  Unfortunately I left the camera in the office last night, so I couldn't take a picture of the daffodils at home, that are a foot out of the ground, in full bud, nodding under the weight of the snow...

More importantly, we finally got Marvesta Shrimp back!!  Not sure exactly what's been going on with them, although it seems as if they are going through a wholesaler now. All I know is that they are shipping to us again and we are thrilled.  Yesterday we offered them at lunch on a bed of that gorgeous burgundy spinach we get from Teddy Bear, and at dinner with the chickpea cake, kumquat chutney and a shrimp cream pan sauce.  

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