A few of us had a delightful Sunday lunch and farm tour at St. Brigid's Farm this weekend. As most of you know, we get all of our Veal and our Beef Specials from Robert and Judy's Jerseys, which, while they are primarily milkers, made some pretty nice grass fed meat as well.
The Jerseys are very curious about the visitors on the other side of the fence.
Judy knows all of their names, their traits, their histories, and shared some of that with us.
Judy knows all of their names, their traits, their histories, and shared some of that with us.
Robert shows Kevin her teeth - or lack thereof, at her age.
We had a wonderful afternoon, and learned a lot about how our St. Brigid's Veal and Beef is raised. Robert and Judy farm in the most compassionate way imaginable - be it the cow that is past her prime to the care of the pastures where the cattle graze, nothing is too good, too much trouble for them. It must be this extra effort that makes the meat so good. The Dairy is all about milk, of course, but to put the lives of these animals to further use in a way that is both profitable and humane is what makes it stand out from the crowd.
And then you EAT them!